Conditions of Participation – Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Competition

By entering into this “Samsung Solve for Tomorrow” competition (“Competition”) you (the “Participant”) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Any information published by the Promoter about the Competition at,, or set out elsewhere in the application process from part of these terms and conditions.

Entry into the Competition signifies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

The Promoter of this Competition is Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited, Samsung House, 2000 Hillswood Drive, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 0RS.

The Competition is divided into three phases with a selection process at each phase, so that only those participants who pass a phase can participate in a subsequent phase.

1. Definitions



means these conditions of participation.


means the “Samsung: Solve for Tomorrow” competition

"Competition Brief”

means the brief against which the Participants must submit an Idea

as part of their Entry.

“We Are Futures”

means We Are Futures, a company based in London, UK.


a successful Participant(s) who is awarded a Prize.


means the monetary award for the Winners.


means the idea or solution entered by a Participant in response to

one of the Themes.


means Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited, a company based in

Surrey, UK


means every Entry.


means an application from by an individual or team.


means the individual or team that has made an Entry.


means each individual applying to participate in the Competition.


means one of the themes as set by Samsung as the basis for the


“Developed Idea”

means the submission by a Participant during Phase 2


means a Participant that has been selected to take part in Phase 3

of the Competition.


means any (non-personal) information submitted by an Applicant at

any stage.

“PR Purposes”

the use of Applicant personal data for marketing and publicity as set out in clause 9.2


means the two age groups that this competition is split into (16-18 and 18-25). Those who are 18 and enter via a sixth form or college will be placed into the 16-18 group and those who are 18 and enter independently will be placed into the 18-25 group.

2. Eligibility

The Competition is open to UK and Republic of Ireland residents aged 16 to 25 years on the final day of the application period (18/12/2023). The competition will be split into two Groups and applicants will enter one of the below groups, based on age:
o 16-18 years-old
o 18-25 years-old
● No purchase is necessary to enter.
● Employees or agents of the Promoter or any of its group companies or their families or households or anyone professionally connected to the Competition are not eligible to enter.
● Entries for ideas that are currently receiving funding or support, or which have previously received funding above £2,000 in total are not eligible to enter.
● The Competition is open to individuals or teams of up to five (5) people.
● If an Applicant is making an entry for a team, the Applicant, and all team members, accept that the entry is made on their behalf subject to these terms.
● Each Applicant may only be part of one entry, either on their own or as part of a single team.
● Each Participant may only submit one (1) Idea to one Group.
● Participants must create their own work, and not copy text, images, audio, or video recordings from third parties.
● Participants that are shortlisted must be available to attend all workshops, masterclasses, mentoring sessions and the final pitch event as directed by the Promoter, in order to be eligible to win the Competition.
● Each Applicant will act in good faith, reasonably cooperate with any requests from Samsung in a timely manner and not act in a manner which may adversely affect Samsung’s reputation, or adversely affect the health, safety or wellbeing of Samsung’s staff or that of any other Applicant.

3. Timetable of the Challenge

The Competition runs from 14th September 2023 to approximately July 2024, scheduled as follows:



Live dates

  • Pre-reg form


  • Competition Launch


  • Application deadline


  • Successful participants of Phase 1 announced    


  • Phase 2:
        o  Workshop overview TBC
        o  121 Samsung Mentoring


  • Phase 2 submission deadline:


  • Finalists groups announced


  • Phase 3:
        o  Workshop overview TBC
        o  121 Samsung Mentoing


  • Final pitch event and winner announcement


Please note - Phase 2 and Phase 3 sessions are likely to be held virtually, to be confirmed closer to the time.

Exact dates and curriculum of workshops, masterclasses and the pitch event will be confirmed closer to the time, and the Promoter will work with Phase 2 Participants to secure convenient dates, attendance on the agreed dates will be mandatory in order to progress with the Competition.

All dates are subject to change by Samsung.

4. Phase 1 - Qualification

4.1 Participants must submit their Entry on by 23:59 hours (UK/GMT) on 18th December 2023 (the “Application Deadline”).

4.2 Each Participant may submit a maximum of one (1) entry per Group.
4.3 The Entry must consist of:
● the fully completed online application form, with answers to all questions, and
● a voluntary image(s) showing the design of their idea in a PDF or PPT form. This must be added to the application form as a downloadable link, non-expiring (for example using Google Drive or DropBox).
● Suggest a technological solution to address the Competition Brief of one of the following Themes:
o Education
o Sustainability
o Equality, diversity & inclusion
o Health & wellbeing

4.4 Entries will be reviewed and judged by a panel of judges comprised of employees or agents of Samsung and at least one independent judge. The full name of the independent judge(s) shall be made available at and The panel of judges shall review the Entries to determine the twelve (12) Entries per Group, which, in the panel of judges’ view, best meet the Winning Criteria for Phase 1, as outlined in section 4.5. The panel of judges’ decision is final.

4.5 The twelve (12) Participants, per Group, whose Entries have the highest scores will be notified by email and proceed to Phase 2 of the Competition.

4.6 The selection criteria for determining the winning Entries in Phase 1 includes the following criteria (“Winning Criteria Phase 1”):
Ideas will be judged on:
• Best use of technology (app, product or service) to address one of the four (4) Competition Themes
•Consideration of the needs of the intended target audience
• Creativity and originality of the idea
• Feasibility of the solution with current technology and resources considered
• Potential for the idea to beneficially impact society and/or the environment
• Potential to reach its intended target audience
• Demonstration of Design Thinking

5. Phase 2 – Idea Development

5.1 Only those twelve (12) Participants, per Group, who were successful and notified in accordance with clause 4.4 above can participate in Phase 2, the Idea Development phase.

5.2 In Phase 2, Participants must further develop their Idea to a more complex concept based on a detailed feedback from Samsung and participation in workshop(s).

5.3 Participants must submit their Developed Idea by 31 March 2024 (the “Phase 2 Submission Deadline”).

5.4 Each valid submission will be reviewed and judged by a panel of judges comprised of employees or agents of Samsung. The panel of judges shall review the Entries to determine the five (5) Entries, per Group, which, in the panel of judges’ view, best meet the Winning Criteria Phase 2, as outlined in section 5.6. The panel of judges’ decision is final.

5.5 The five (5) Participants, per Group, whose Developed Idea have the highest scores will be notified by Samsung by email and will proceed to the final phase of the Competition.

5.6 Selection criteria for Phase 2 includes the following criteria (“Winning Criteria Phase 2”):
Ideas will be judged on:
• Best use of technology (app, product or service) to address one of the four (4) Competition Themes
• Clear development of the idea since its original submission at Phase 1
• Demonstrable use of research and/or testing to understand the needs of the intended target audience
• Creativity and originality of the idea
• Feasibility of the solution with current technology, resources, laws and regulations considered
• Potential for the idea to beneficially impact society and/or the environment
• Potential to reach its intended target audience
• Demonstration of Design Thinking
• Quality of the presentation of the idea
• Ideas which are developed to integrate 5G, AI, IoT, VR or AR will be viewed more favourably.

6. Phase 3 – Finals

6.1 Only those five (5) Participants, per Group, who were successful and notified in accordance with clause 5.5 above can participate in the Final.

6.2 Each Finalist will supplement their Developed Idea with a live presentation at the Final Event. The presentation will take place in front of representatives from Samsung and Digital Catapult, as well as other leading industry experts.

6.3 If the Finalists plan to support their presentation with multimedia, this content must be sent by email to the email address provided by Final Presentation Submission Deadline.

6.4 Each developed idea as supplemented by its presentation will be assessed by a panel of judges comprised of employees or agents of Samsung and at least one independent judge. The full name of the independent judge(s) shall be made available on the Solve for Tomorrow website at and The panel of judges shall review the Entries to determine the one (1) idea, per Group, which, in the panel of judges’ view, best meet the Winning Criteria Phase 3, as outlined in section 6.6. The panel of judges’ decision is final.

6.5 The final results will be announced at the pitch event.

6.6 Selection criteria for Phase 3 includes the following criteria (“Winning Criteria Phase 3”):
• Best use of technology (app, product or service) to address one of the four (4) Competition Themes
• Quality of detail and clarity within the final plan as showcased at the Pitch Event
• Clear development and refinement of idea since Phase 2, including creation of prototype and testing with intended target audience
• Creativity and originality of the idea
• Feasibility of the solution with current technology, resources, laws and regulations considered
• Potential for the idea to beneficially impact society and/or the environment
• Potential to reach its intended target audience
• Demonstration of design thinking
• Ideas which are developed to integrate 5G, AI, IoT, VR or AR will be viewed more favourably.
• How much the participants have accomplished so far considering the circumstances they are in (and resources they have access to)

7. Prize

7.1 The one (1) winner, per Group, of the First Prize will be the highest scoring finalist/finalist team. The First Prize consists of a cash prize of £10,000 per finalist/finalist team, plus mentorship from Samsung for up to three (3) months1 following the final.

The First Prize also includes introductions for participants with business/industry networks to help Winners secure additional funding outside of the Competition for their idea, and help get it developed to a proof of concept stage, where it can be shown to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept and be applicable to a specific problem or challenge. The proof of concept can be either a physical or a digital product but has to incorporate the fundamental features and functions*.

7.2 There will be two (2) Runners-Up Prizes, per Group, awarded to the second and third highest scoring finalists. The Runners-Up Prize consists of a cash prize of £1,000 per finalist/finalist team, plus mentorship from Samsung for up to three (3) months 2 following the final.

7.3 Samsung will liaise with the winners by 17:00 BST on 19 July 2024 to arrange the provision of their prizes.

7.4 The winners of the First Prize and Runners-Up Prizes, per Group, must be available to receive and fully participate in Phase 4 of the programme from May 2024 to September 2024. The winner should be available during business hours (09:00-17:30) to work cooperatively with Samsung and We Are Futures to enable the development of the Project.

7.5 The Promoter reserves the rights to disqualify Participants if their conduct or content is defamatory, offensive or contrary to the spirit or intention of the competition.

  • 1 *Subject to the needs of the team and availability of mentors. The start date for this will be agreed with the winning team following the final, taking into account the availability of the members, but must begin within six months following the appointment of the winning team.
  • 2 *Subject to the needs of the team and availability of mentors. The start date for this will be agreed with the winning team following the final, taking into account the availability of the members, but must begin within six months following the appointment of the winning team.

8. Use of Submissions

8.1 The Promoter may, but is not required to, publish Content produced by the winners and any and all Content received by it in connection with this Competition at any time and for any reason on its website, across its social media channels including YouTube (which may include paid spend), newsletter, for internal use, public relations and reporting of the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow campaign, as well as any trade shows, in its stores and channel stores and public screens, whether now known or invented in the future, and in connection with any publicity of the Competition.

8.2 The Participants own all their Submissions. Each Applicant agrees, and hereby provides, a perpetual unrestricted (non-exclusive), irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable licence to the Promoter and We Are Futures, including the right to sub-licence, to use, develop, edit, adapt, modify, or transform the Submissions for any purpose.

8.3 Each Participant warrants that they are the person who created the Submission submitted to this Competition. The Participant shall indemnify the Promoter and hold it harmless from and against any losses, damages, liabilities, obligations, claims, actions and demands, including without limitation reasonable legal fees, arising directly or indirectly from any breach of warranty set out in this clause.

8.4 Each Applicant agrees that Samsung and We Are Futures, and their affiliated companies, are entitled to report about the Competition, including the Participant’s Ideas, Developed Solutions and Final Solution, including for marketing purposes.

9. Personal Data - Rights To Use Names, Images and Videos

9.1 Samsung is the Data Controller for the Competition. We Are Futures is Samsung’s Data Processor for the purposes of the Competition.

9.2 Samsung shall only use your personal data for the purposes of operating and administering the Competition (including contacting the Applicants in relation to the Competition and award activities), and the below PR Purposes.

• Each Applicant that makes it to Phase 2 understands that Samsung and We Are Futures and their affiliated companies, may use their name, location and age in publicity and marketing relating to the Competition.
• Each Applicant that makes it to Phase 2 understands that Samsung and We Are Futures, and their affiliated companies, may use personal data, such as photographs and videos, which the Participant submits in publicity and marketing relating to the Competition.
• Each Applicant that makes it to Phase 2 understands that Samsung and We Are Futures, and their affiliated companies, may take and use photographs and videos at the events in publicity and marketing relating to the Competition.

9.3 Each Applicant’s personal data will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

10. Safeguarding

Where an Applicant is a minor or vulnerable adult, Samsung and We Are Futures reserves the right to require a parent/guardian/responsible carer to sign a declaration on behalf of the Applicant, confirming acceptance to these terms and conditions.

11. Legal Terms

11.1 The Promoter shall not be liable for any interruption to this Competition whether due to force majeure or other factors beyond the Promoter’s control.

11.2 The Promoter reserves the right, acting reasonably and in accordance with all relevant legislation and codes of practice, to vary the terms and conditions of this Competition. The Promoter reserves the right to change the dates set out in the above Timetable.

11.3 The Promoter reserves the right to:
• exclude from scoring or remove an Applicant or a Participant from the Competition for any violation of these Conditions.
• exclude a Participant if they do not react within the time limit defined in a notification from the Promoter, and appoint a replacement.
• extend a deadline, or require a response by a set deadline, where technical or other problems occur in respect of a submission.
• modify the Conditions at any time and without the consent of the Applicants. Applicants will be informed in an appropriate manner of any modifications.
• remove Applicants from the Competition without compensation.

11.4 Each valid Entry will be assessed and scored by the judges against the Winning Criteria in each phase and the decision of the judges will be final. Under no circumstances shall the selection be made in the sense of a lottery, on the basis of chance or luck. In the event that the judges acting reasonably believe that all of the entries are of an insufficient quality to be awarded the prizes then the judges reserve the right to cancel the Competition and withhold the prizes.

11.5 Limitation

The Promoter will not be responsible or liable for: (a) any failure to receive Entries due to transmission failures and other conditions beyond its reasonable control; (b) any late, lost, misrouted, or damaged transmissions or entries; (c) any computer or communications related malfunctions or failures; (d) any disruptions, losses or damages caused by events beyond the control of the Promoter; or (e) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with the Competition.

By entering the Competition, the Participant agrees to release the Promoter from any liability whatsoever for any claims, costs, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection with the Competition or with the acceptance, possession, attendance at or use of any prize except death or personal injury caused by the Promoter’s negligence, for fraud, or otherwise as prohibited by law.

The Promoter accepts no liability for any consequences, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from your participation in the Competition, your reliance on any statements we may have made about the Competition, or its suspension or withdrawal.

11.6 Law

The Competition and these Conditions are governed by English law.