How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode?

 The Gear S2's power saving mode saves battery life by:


  • Displaying the screen in grey tones instead of colours
  • Deactivating Wi-Fi and limiting CPU performance
  • Deactivating all functions except calls, messages and notifications

To put the device into power saving mode:


power saving

1. Swipe to the left to view app shortcuts

How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 


2. Tap Settings


How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 

3. Scroll down and tap power saving

How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 

4. Tap the tick icon to enable power saving mode

How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 






When you want to disable power saving mode, you can do this easily from the home screen:



1. Tap Power saving off


How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 

2. Tap the tick icon


How do I put my Gear S2 into power saving mode? 

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