Common Topics
WA11F5S2UWW/WTSolutions & Tips
How to use
How to use the modes of Samsung washing machine?
FAQ To learn How to use the modes of Samsung washing machine?
How to fix the washing machine with PE / PE1 Error?
How to fix the washing machine with PE or PE1 Error?
How to fix the washing machine with 9C1/UC Error?
How to fix the washing machine with 9C1/UC Error?
How to use
What to do if the hot water and cold water is not supplied in the Washing machine?
FAQ to learn What to do if the hot water and cold water is not supplied in the Washing machine?
Solving PE or PE1 error on Samsung washing machine
FAQ to solve PE/PE1 error shows up?
Overflow error on Samsung washing machine
FAQ To learn about the Overflow error on Samsung washing machines
How to properly maintain a Samsung Top Load Washing Machine
FAQ to learn how to clean the top load washing machine filters.
Water drains out immediately from my Top-Load Samsung Washing Machine.
FAQ To learn about Water draining out immediately from my Top-Load Samsung Washing Machine.
How can I fix HE1 or HE2 is shown on the display of my Samsung washing machine?
FAQ for Samsung Laundry. Find more about HE1 or HE2 is shown on the display of my washing machine. How can this be fixed? with Samsung Support.
Solutions for no spinning of Samsung washing machine
FAQ To learn Solutions for no spinning of Samsung washing machine
How to use
Washing machine door not closing
FAQ To learn Washing machine door not closing
How to maintain the Samsung washing machine after use?
FAQ for Samsung Laundry. Find more about 'How to maintain the washing machine after use?' with Samsung Support.
Install & Operation
Should hot water be supplied when using the sanitize wash in the Samsung washing machine?
FAQ for Samsung Laundry. Find more about '[Washing Machine] Should hot water be supplied when using the sanitize wash?' with Samsung Support.
How to clean the drum and door seal on my washing machine?
Learn on how to clean the drum and door seal of Samsung washing machine.
What to do if the washing machine auto turn off after powering on?
What to do if the washing machine auto turn off after powering on?
What should I do when the filter alert blinks on the control panel of Samsung washing machine ?
What should I do when the filter alert blinks on the control panel of Samsung washing machine ?
Install & Operation
How do I level my Samsung washing machine?
FAQ To learn How to level my Samsung washing machine?
How to use
How to control the Samsung washing machine with Smart Things?
How to control the Samsung washing machine with Smart Things?
How can I stop the drying course during operation in Samsung washing machine?
How can I stop the drying course during operation in Samsung washing machine?
Check out the information codes on my washing machine
how do I get information about my washing machine?
How can I use the Delay End function on my washing machine?
how does the Delay End function works in my washing machine?
What should I do if there are no bubbles on the Eco bubble course?
what should I do if there are no bubbles on the eco bubble course
How to use
How to control the washing machine with SmartThings
how can I use my washing machine with smart things?
How to turn off the alarm of the washing machine?
How Do I disable the Alarm on My Washing Machine?
How to use
How to deactivate Demo Mode on the washing machine?
How to disable the Demo Mode?
How to find the model or serial number for washing machines
how to find the model code and the serial number of any washing machine
How to use
Why my Samsung washing machine not clean clothes and leave stains and bad odor
FAQ to learn why Samsung washing machines may not clean clothes properly, leave stains, or produce a bad odor.
Samsung Washing machine door won't close
Why is my washing machine door is not closing?
Install & Operation
What to do when the washing machine runs continuously
My Samsung washing machine keeps spinning with no stop what to do to solve this issue?
Samsung washing machine no power issue
How to solve no power issue on Samsung washing machine
How to use
Samsung remote support (Visual Support)
FAQ to learn more about Samsung online support services.
My Samsung washing machine drum begins to spin without any water
I chose Wash Cycle and start Washing. Drum Spins without water. Is it normal?
How to use
What must you know about promotions or campaigns on Samsung Digital Appliances?
What information must you be aware of regarding marketing or campaigns for Samsung consumer electronics?
How to use
Clean the Washing Machine Detergent Drawer
Refurbish the detergent drawer of your washing machine.
What should you do if your Samsung washing machine stops spinning?
FAQ to learn what should you do if your Samsung washing machine is not spinning.