Will I receive a full refund?

To receive a full refund for a returned product, you must return it in ‘as new’ condition, together with all original packaging, accessories and free of charge items.

Products that are returned damaged will not be accepted, unless you reported them as having arrived damaged or the product is faulty.

If you believe your product is faulty, you have up to 30 days from delivery to confirm whether you require a repair, replacement or refund. After 30 days, please contact us to discuss your options.

If you have handled the product more than if you were reviewing it in a retail store before purchase (e.g. you have used it more than is necessary to establish its nature, characteristics and functioning), then we may reduce the full refund amount to reflect any reduction in the value of the product caused by said handling.

We may also reduce the refund amount to reflect the value of any accessories or free of charge products not returned.

If you return your product(s) because you changed your mind during the 14 day cooling-off period and arranged collection with us, we will also reduce the refund amount to reflect the cost of any collection charges passed onto you. Please see our Returns Policy for more information.

We will notify you of your refund via e-mail within a reasonable period of time, usually within five to ten working days of receiving your return, and refunds are made to the same payment method you used for purchase.

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